gfa - GTK+ fast
gfa is a small and
fast address book written in C and GTK+2. It uses sqlite as backend for
the addresses.
<| Project
Page | Status | Using | Requirements | Installation | Prebuild packages | Screenshots | ToDo | Known
issues |
| >
August 2nd, 2007
- I have finished my thesis and there will be a new version of gfa with great improvements soon...
- Stefan Fiebrich joined the development and made a lot of improvements for the new version (new gfa gui, libglade and other things). Welcome aboard Stefan...
- expect new features in the next version...
April 20th, 2007
- sorry folks for the long delay. At the moment I write my thesis and I have nearly no freetime. After the thesis there will be a new version of gfa.
- there are several ideas, such as Ex-/Import-Filter and other things. If there are any ideas from your side, just email me and I will try my best to realize it.
January 23rd, 2007
- this project is not dead, just a small reminder to all
- there is now a mailing list to discuss features, bugs, etc. of gfa. Subscribtion page is here.
October 21th, 2006
- new bugfix release 0.4.1
- fixing a bug in creating a contact and group "All" is active
October 17th, 2006
- version 0.4
- group support added
September 24th, 2006
- version 0.3.2
- small bugfixes in image handling
- fixes some compiler warnings
September 23rd, 2006 (the second)
- version 0.3.1
- small bugfixes in saving/adding contact
September 23rd, 2006
- new version 0.3
- add more input fields
- alphabetical order of newly create contact
The current release
is a beta release, but it is stable. It is ready for daily usage, no
crashes appears in the tests. No data loss or something similar
happens. Nevertheless there can be bugs, so be warned.
I think it's not
necessary to write
here how to use gfa. It's self-explainig. If you wan't to create a new
contact press 'New', fill out the fields and press 'Save'. If you
change anything in the fields or the image,
you must press 'Save' to save the changes, otherwise the changes will
be lost, but I think that's clear. 'Delete' will delete
the contact from your list. There will be a question if you really want
to delete for accidently clicking. If you don't like the selected image
anymore, than you can change it to
the default icon by clicking 'Use default icon' in the file dialog.
You can create new groups, delete old groups or rename them over the
menu 'Groups'. The groups will be listed in the combobox on the left.
Changing a contact's group is very easy, just change his group in the
combobox on the lower right side on the 'more fields' and press 'Save'.
The contact will be immediately moved to the new group. Change the
combobox on the upper left and you will only see the contacts of this
group on the upper right combobox. If you want to delete a group with
contacts, all contacts of this group can be delete or move to the
'General' group. 'Quit' quits gfa. That's all.
You will need:
- GTK+2 >= 2.6.0
- sqlite3 >= 3.3
Download the package from a, extract the
archive, change to the newly created directory (usually gfa-x.x) and
type configure
, make
and as root make install
. Start gfa with gfa.
Here are two
screenshots of gfa. The first shows the dialog to edit and view the
contact, the second screenshot shows the ComboBox with various contacts.

This is a random
summary of things, that I want to implement in further versions:
- ex-/import filter for several other formats
- automatically resizing the image, if it doesn't fit
- send email with your favourite email client
- preferences dialog
- code cleaning
Known issues
- send button don't work
- you should use a 110x160 px image for icon, otherwise gfa
center the image and shows only a part of the image